Mountain Springs Plumbing — Plumber in DeBolt

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Mountain Springs Plumbing

Plumber at DeBolt, AB T0H 1B0, Canada, DeBolt, Alberta, T0H 1B0 . Here you will find detailed information about Mountain Springs Plumbing: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 6 reviews


DeBolt, AB T0H 1B0, Canada, DeBolt, Alberta, T0H 1B0
T0H 1B0

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About Mountain Springs Plumbing

Mountain Springs Plumbing is a UK Plumber based in DeBolt, Alberta. Mountain Springs Plumbing is located at DeBolt, AB T0H 1B0, Canada,

Please contact Mountain Springs Plumbing using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Mountain Springs Plumbing opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Mountain Springs Plumbing

  • Jackson
    Added 2016.09.22
    We called in Mr. Rooter and they came, augered and snaked the line (I then learned that Rob was not using the auger correctly which is why it would not self-feed), and camera inspected it to determine the cause.
  • Wyatt
    Added 2015.01.13
    Later I received a bill from Mountain Springs Plumbing for $624.18. Although I appreciate that he was willing to try and help us in a pinch, he did not seem qualified and up to the task. I will not ask for their help again.
  • Cora
    Added 2014.11.28
    Then came the really disapponting part. Rob informed me that he did not have a snake long enough to complete the job. So I had to go to Rentco and rent the auger and snake ($97). I called Rob back and he was willing to help. He had issues with the auger and it wouldn't self-feed so he could not use the cutting tool. He did get the snake far enough and temporarily unplugged the line by poking a small hole in what was plugging it. (calcified toilet paper plug). However because the cutting bit wasn't used, it backed up 2 days later for obvious reasons.
  • Elijah
    Added 2014.08.08
    We had Mountain Springs Plumbing come in and try and help us with a plugged sewer line. While I appreciate the fact that he was willing to try and help he did not come prepared.
  • Grace
    Added 2014.02.12
    On the first visit, the cleanout was covered which limited what could be done solve the problem so they left to another job. Then the M.D. people came and suggested intalling a Y valve on the stack in order to access the sewerline with a snake. We called Mountain Springs back and he came to instal it. I was happy with that because we couldn't use and water or toilets and we were going on the second day.
  • Easton
    Added 2014.01.03
    Great service! I called rob late around 9pm as our furnace had shutdown and it was -35 out he came out right away and helped us out and very reasonable compared to Grande prairie rates. Highly recommend!
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